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Any update when the file will be reuploaded?

OOP disregard this I found your advanced dating sim framework mmy bad

Hi, I read the comments and I'm interested in whether or not the files have been reuploaded/corrected? I'd love to use this!

Hi everything except maybe the inventory system should work perfectly. With the latest update of renpy itself the inventory framework I used completely broke and I don't personally know how to fix it. Nothing else at all was disturbed though so if you go into the files and just completely erase the inventory system links it should be completely fine. 

I am working on a completely updated version though just gotta figure out how to get an equal or greater inventory system up and running I think I'ma update the description with a warning though for all future downloaders

Thank you for the quick reply! Got it, I'll just try to erase it. Is there anything I have to/I could add in order to make up for the inventory system? (For example, if I were to use the shop system, where would the objects go? Apologies if it's obvious, I'm not knowledgable at all about coding even if Ren'py is easier lmao

I can't wait for the updated version, good luck ;u;

Absolutely no problem ❤️ I thought about it for a bit and I think that perhaps persistents could work? Like 

Hey did you get the crystal ball I asked for?


                        If x is true jump to y

                        Else jump to z

Obviously I didn't actually use any actual coding but that's cause I'm running around at the moment and can't go look at my ADHD coding cheat sheet lmao 

Another way possibly is that I did make it to where there's two separate stat screens and you can turn one the one from lovers to items or potentially create a third stats screen make that one an items and add it to the bottom bar like I have the others and sure it'll be a little weird to function considering it's supposed to be stats and will look like stats but over all it should work a lot better then using persistents and you can decide how many "points" go into each stat so you could have it like really really old games and have a cap on how many gold you can carry on you as well as have unique encumbrance system where you can have all the item in the game but only a certain amount of them

I hope this all made sense and I really appreciate that you enjoy my little cut up and sewn together little monstrosity I have going on here